Table of Contents
Inherits from hk_data. In contrary to Result Queries (queries with a SELECT - SQL-statement) action queries manipulate data like ALTER TABLE or INSERT INTO. There is no resulting data. Such a query is either successful or fails.
- set_sql(sqlstatement [,convertdelimiter])
sets the SQL statement. If convertdelimiter is False (the default) the identifier delimiters and text delimiters have to fit your SQL backend definitions. If set to True, hk_classes will fix the delimiters if the backend needs non-standard delimiters. (Remember: ANSI SQL identifier delimiter is a double quote ", and the ANSI SQL text delimiter is a single quote ').
- sql()
returns the used SQL statement
- length()
the length in bytes of the SQL statement
- execute()
executes the SQL statement and returns True if successful.