Both forms and reports inherit from hk_presentation. The most import function of hk_presentation to manage all needed datasources. New datasources are created with new_datasource(), existing datasources can be found with get_datasource().
Inherits from hk_dsmodevisible.
sets the database object of type hk_database
Returns the type of the presentation. The following values are possibe:
sets the name of the presentation
returns the name of the presentation
returns a new hk_datasource object with name 'name'. If 'is_query' is True it is a query object, else a table
gets an existing datasource with the identification number 'number'
gets an existing datasource with the identification name 'name'
returns the unique datasourcename for the datasource with the identification number 'number'
deletes all existing datasource objects in the presentation
This function defines which metric system should be used. Allowed values are:
relative: the visible objects use size values from 0 to 10000 (100.00%), relative to the design size of the presentation.
absolute: the visible objects use absolute size values (either in pixels or in one tenth of a millimeter)
returns the set sizetype
Sets the logic size of the presentation.
returns the design height of the presentation
returns the design width of the presentation
returns whether the definition of this presentation has changed