Represents the data of a field within a section.
Inherits from hk_dsdatavisible.
- set_data(data [,registerchange])
Sets the data string, that should be printed. Available variables for data:
columnnames delimited by #, eg. #mycolumn#
%XPOS% the absolute value of the x-coordinate
%YPOS% the absolute value of the y-coordinate
%WIDTH% the absolute value of the width
%HEIGHT% the absolute value of the height
%RELXPOS% the relative value of the x-coordinate
%RELYPOS% the relative value of the y-coordinate
%RELWIDTH% the relative value of the width
%RELHEIGHT% the relative value of the height
%PAGENUMBER% the number of the page
%ABSOLUTEPAGENUMBER% physical number of the page in file
%ROWNUMBER% the actual row number of the datasource
If you have set a column with set_columnname() you have additionally the following variable names
%value% the raw value of the column defined with @ref set_columnname
%fieldname% the name of the column not recoded defined with set_columnname
%VALUE% the value of the column defined with @ref set_columnname recoded
%FIELDNAME% the recoded (with @ref hk_report::set_recodefunction ) name of the column
%COUNT% the number of values
%SUM% the sum of all values
%MIN% the minimum value
%MAX% the maximum value
%STDDEV% standard deviation
%STDDEVSAMPLE% standard deviation of a sample
%AVERAGE% the average of all values
- data()
returns the data
- set_beforedata(bdata [,registerchange])
The value that will be printed immediately before the data. That can be escape sequences, delimiters etc. Example: CSV files (comma separated values) usually have the following format: "data1","data2" In this case the '"' would be printed before and after the data, so this would be defined with set_beforedata("\"") and set_afterdata("\""). The "," is set with hk_reportsection.set_betweendata(","). Use this function only if hk_report.reporttype() is set to "Userdefined".
- beforedata()
returns the value that will be printed immedialtely before the data.
- set_afterdata(adata [,registerchange])
The value that will be printed immediately after the data. That can be escape sequences, delimiters etc. Example: CSV files (comma separated values) usually have the following format: "data1","data2" In this case the '"' would be printed before and after the data, so this would be defined with set_beforedata("\"") and set_afterdata("\""). The "," is set with hk_reportsection.set_betweendata(","). Use this function only if hk_report.reporttype() is set to "Userdefined".
- afterdata()
returns the value that will be printed immedialtely after the data.
- actual_string()
returns the printed string. This function shouldn't be called from the user!
- count()
returns the value that should be added to hk_report.offset
- set_runningcount([ do_count,[registerchange]])
The values of the variables %SUM% %COUNT% %AVERAGE% %STDDEV% etc. can be relatively to the section. e.g. if the section is a uniquesection and it changes, all variables can be reset to 0 (default). if 'do_count' is true these variables will change to global variables in the report and are not set to 0 when the section changes.
- runningcount()
returns true if runningcount is set
- set_topline([set_it [,registerchange]])
If 'set_it' is True a line should be painted above the data
- set_bottomline([set_it [,registerchange]])
If 'set_it' is True a line should be painted below the data
- set_leftline([set_it [,registerchange]])
If 'set_it' is True a line should be painted left of the data
- set_rightline([set_it [,registerchange]])
If 'set_it' is True a line should be painted right of the data
- set_diagonalluro([set_it [,registerchange]])
If 'set_it' is true a diagonal will be painted from _l_inks _u_nten to _r_echts _o_ben (left down to right up)
- set_diagonalloru([set_it [,registerchange]])
If 'set_it' is true a diagonal will be painted from _l_inks _o_ben to _r_echts _u_nten (left up to right down)
- topline()
returns true if a line at the top of the data is printed
- bottomline()
returns true if a line at the bottom of the data is printed
- leftline()
returns true if a line at the left of the data is printed
- rightline()
returns true if a line at the right of the data is printed
- diagonalloru()
returns true if a diagonal line from left top to right bottom is printed
- diagonalluro()
returns true if a diagonal line from left bottom to right top is printed
- set_frame(set_it)
convenience function: calls set_leftline(set_it),set_rightline(set_it)set_topline(set_it)set_bottomline(set_it)
- set_wordbreak(set_it)
If 'set_it' is true and the reporttype supports it, text will be written in more than one line if the width of the data field is too small
- wordbreak()
returns true is set_wordbreak() is set
- set_configurefunction(functionname)
internal function
- configurefunctionstring()
returns the name of the configure function