Base class for combobox fields. Just set the datasource and the column (defined in the parent class hk_dsdatavisible). To fill the listbox with values set the datasource which contains the wished values with set_listdatasource. The columnname of the row which should be displayed in the listbox Must be set with set_viewcolumn(). The row which contains the data to be written has to be specified with set_listcolumn().
Inherits from hk_dsdatavisible.
- set_listdatasource(list)
Comboboxes need 2 datasources. One (the normal) datasource is set with set_datasource() and stores the values in a field. The second datasource contains a list of possible values for this field.
'list': the hk_datasource object, which contains the values displayed in the combobox
- listdatasource()
returns the list datasource hk_datasource object.
- set_listpresentationdatasource(list)
if this combobox is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form) you can set the listdatasource by its unique presentation number
- listpresentationdatasource()
returns the unique presentation number.
- set_viewcolumnname()
The column of the listdatasource which will be displayed in the combobox
- viewcolumnname()
returns the view columnname.
- set_listcolumnname()
The column containing the equivalent key to the column set with set_column()
- listcolumnname()
returns the list column name.
- set_mode()
If the comboboxmode is set to 'combo' it reacts like a normal datasource. If set to 'selector' the datasource will be moved to the selected row in the datasource. You then just have to add the listcolumnname
- mode()
returns the mode
- viewcolumn()
returns the hk_column object representing the viewcolumn
- listcolumn()
returns the hk_column object representing the listcolumn