Base class for visible widgets. It handles the geometry and the look of the widgets.
Inherits from hk_class.
Figure 2.10. Geometry specific methods
- set_size(x, y,width,height)
lets you to set position and size of an object
- set_size(width,height)
lets you to set size of an object
- set_position(x,y)
lets you to set position of an object
- set_x(x)
lets you to set the horizontal position of an object
- set_y(y)
lets you to set the vertical position of an object
- set_width(width)
see set_size()
- set_height(height)
see set_size()
- x()
returns the x co-ordinate of the object
- y()
returns the y co-ordinate of the object
- width()
returns the width of the object
- height()
returns the height of the object
- key()
returns a object of type hk_key. You can use this during the action_on_key() action. In combination with the hk_keys 'set_accept_key()' method you can handle whether or not this key will be accepted as input.
- action_on_click(void)
triggers the on_click action
- action_on_doubleclick(void)
triggers the on_doubleclick action
- action_on_close(void)
triggers the on_close action
- action_on_open(void)
triggers the on_open action
- action_on_getfocus(void)
triggers the on_getfocus action
- action_on_loosefocus(void)
triggers the on_loosefocus action
- action_on_key(void)
triggers the on_key action
Figure 2.11. Look and Feel methods
- set_font(fontname,size)
sets the font, e.g. set_font("Arial",12)
- set_font(font)
sets the font of type hk_font, e.g.
- hk_font font()
returns a font object of type hk_font
- set_foregroundcolour(colour)
sets the foreground colour. 'colour' is of type hk_colour. The foreground colour will be used for fonts, frames etc
- foregroundcolour()
returns the foreground colour, which is of type hk_colour.
- set_backgroundcolour(colour)
sets the background colour. 'colour' is of type hk_colour. This colour will be used to fill the whole background.
- hk_colour backgroundcolour()
returns the background colour, which is of type hk_colour.
Figure 2.12. Miscelleanous methods
- set_label(labeltext)
Every visible object has a label which will be displayed when necessary, i.e. a button usually needs a label
- label()
returns the label string.
- type()
returns the type of this object. Possible values are:
- identifier()
the identifier is a unique name within a presentation (either a form or a report) with which this object can be identified and thus located
- presentation()
returns the parent hk_presentation object (either a form or a report)
- show_widget()
if the object isn't visible yet (hidden with hide_widget()) it will be shown
- hide_widget()
if the object is visible it will be hidden
- close_widget()
The object if possible, otherwise it will be hidden
- set_tooltip(tip[,registerchange[,force_setting]])
sets a little help text that will be shown when the mouse moves over the widget
- tooltip()
returns the tooltip text
- set_enabled(enabled [,registerchange [,force_setting]])
sets the visible oject 'enabled', means that it can accept keyboard commands
- is_enabled()
returns True if the object is enabled
The following example shows how to move the button within the form, how to change the colour and how to display different text on the button.
Example 2.15. Changing colour and position
redcolour =hk_colour(255,0,0) greencolour =hk_colour(0,255,0) if hk_this.foregroundcolour().red()!=255: hk_this.set_foregroundcolour(redcolour) hk_this.set_backgroundcolour(greencolour) hk_this.set_label("green button") else: hk_this.set_foregroundcolour(greencolour) hk_this.set_backgroundcolour(redcolour) hk_this.set_label("red button") hk_this.set_position(hk_this.x()+50,hk_this.y()+10)