This is the base class for visible widgets that provides access to a specific column and its data. To use visible objects you have to set the datasource with set_datasource() and the column with set_columnname().
Inherits from hk_dsvisible.
- set_columnname(columnname [,registerchange])
column name in the datasource(). If there is no column with this name the widget will not be enabled
Parameter 'column': the wished column
Parameter 'registerchange': If this object will be displayed on a form you can decide whether changing the column name should mark the form as changed (then it will be saved when closed). Default is "true".
- columnname()
returns the column name string
- column()
returns the used hk_column object
- set_defaultvalue(def[,registerchange])
Sets the default value. The default value will be used in insert mode.
Parameter 'def': the new default value
Parameter 'registerchange': if true and this widget is part of a form the new default value will be stored when closing the form. The following variables are available:
%NOW% the actual date, time or datetime, depending on the fieldtype. Default ist datetime
%NOWDATE% the actual date
%NOWTIME% the actual time
%TRUE% the driver specific true value.
%FALSE% the driver specific false value.
- defaultvalue()
returns the default value, but variables are replaced by its values
- raw_defaultvalue()
returns the default value as set with set_defaultvalue, without replacing the variables
- reset_default([registerchange])
resets the default value. After that no default value will be used
- set_numberformat([use_numberseparator[, precision[,registerchange]]])
Sets the definition how to format number strings.
Parameter 'use_numberseparator': True or False. If true, this will use a thousand separator if your locale set defines one. E.g. in Germany the number 3.000,5 means three thousand and a half. The dot is the thousands separator. Of course the used character is depending on your locale definition.
Parameter 'precision': The number of digits used to represent values smaller than 1.
- use_numberseparator()
returns True if the number separator is used
- precision()
returns the number of digits
- value_at(row)
returns the formatted string in the column at row position 'row'
- value()
returns the displayed string (the current value)
- set_value(value)
sets the current value,where 'value' is a string. If a column is set, the datasource will be changed, if not it will be only displayed
- find(from_rownumber,to_rownumber,searchtext[,wholephrase[,casesensitive[,backwards]]])
searches for a specific value in a column, returns the row number if found, hk_datasource.max_rows()+1 if not found
- find(searchtext[,wholephrase[,casesensitive[,backwards]]])
searches for a specific value in a column, returns the row number if found, hk_datasource.max_rows()+1 if not found. This version searches all rows of a datasource.