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hk_reportsection Class Reference

represents a section of the report. More...

#include <hk_reportsection.h>

Inheritance diagram for hk_reportsection:

hk_dsdatavisible hk_dsvisible hk_visible hk_class List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void set_unique (bool unique=true, bool endsection=false, bool registerchange=true)
bool unique (void)
hk_reportdatanew_data (void)
hk_reportdatadata_at (unsigned int)
vector< hk_reportdata * > * datalist (void)
virtual bool actual_string (void)
hk_string sectionbegin (void)
void set_sectionbegin (const hk_string &b, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string sectionend (void)
void set_sectionend (const hk_string &e, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string betweendata (void)
void set_betweendata (const hk_string &b, bool registerchange=true)
bool new_uniquevalue (bool justcheck=false)
bool endsection (void)
void set_automatic_create_data (bool d=true, bool registerchange=true)
bool new_page_after_section (void)
void set_new_page_after_section (bool p, bool registerchange=true)
bool section_was_printed (void)
void set_subreport (const hk_string &subreport="", bool before_data=false, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string subreportname (void)
hk_reportsubreport (void)
void add_depending_fields (const hk_string &thisreport_field, const hk_string &subreport_field, bool registerchange=true)
void clear_depending_fields (void)
list< hk_string > * depending_on_thisreportfields (void)
list< hk_string > * depending_on_subreportfields (void)
bool print_subreport_before_data (void)
bool print_subreport (void)
void set_replacefunction (const hk_string &f, bool registerchange=true)
virtual hk_string replace (const hk_string &where)
void reset_count (void)
virtual hk_font font (void)
virtual unsigned long counts_as (void)
void set_sectioncountfunction (const hk_string &f, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string sectioncountfunctionstring (void)
reportsectioncounttypesectioncountfunction (void)
virtual void savedata (ostream &s, bool userdefined=false)
virtual void loaddata (const hk_string &definition, bool userdefined=false)
virtual void set_datasource (hk_datasource *d)
virtual bool set_presentationdatasource (long n, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string default_reportdata (void)
void set_default_reportdata (const hk_string &v, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string default_beforereportdata (void)
void set_default_beforereportdata (const hk_string &v, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string default_afterreportdata (void)
void set_default_afterreportdata (const hk_string &v, bool registerchange=true)
void set_default_reportdataconfigurefunction (const hk_string &f, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string default_reportdataconfigurefunction (void)
int default_reportprecision (void)
void set_default_reportprecision (int, bool registerchange=true)
bool default_use_reportseparator (void)
void set_default_use_reportseparator (bool, bool registerchange=true)
void neutralize_definition (bool registerchange)
virtual void reset (void)
void clear_countingfields (void)
void remove_data (hk_reportdata *)
hk_reportreport (void)
unsigned int horizontal2relativ (unsigned int h)
unsigned int vertical2relativ (unsigned int v)
unsigned int relativ2horizontal (unsigned int r)
unsigned int relativ2vertical (unsigned int r)
hk_reportsectionpairreportsectionpair (void)
bool set_offset (unsigned int o, bool registerchange=true)
unsigned int offset (void)
void bulk_operation (hk_presentation::enum_bulkoperation bulkoperation)
void set_automaticcreatedatafunction (reportsectionautomaticcreatedatatype *)
reportsectionautomaticcreatedatatypeautomaticcreatedatafunction (void)
hk_reportdataget_reportdatavisible (long nr)
hk_reportdataget_reportdatavisible (const hk_string &identifier)
bool is_fully_printed (void)
void set_print_section (bool)
bool print_section (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static void add_sectionreplacefunctiontype (const hk_string &name, section_replacefunctiontype *f)
static list< hk_string > * sectionreplacefunctionlist (void)
static void add_sectioncountfunctiontype (const hk_string &name, reportsectioncounttype *f)
static list< hk_string > * sectioncountfunctionlist (void)

Protected Member Functions

 hk_reportsection (hk_report *)
virtual ~hk_reportsection (void)
virtual void before_datasource_enables (void)
void remove_all_datas (void)
virtual hk_reportdatawidget_specific_new_data (void)
virtual void widget_specific_after_loaddata (void)
virtual void widget_specific_offset_changed (void)
virtual void sizetype_changed (void)
virtual bool presentationmode_changed (void)
void automatic_create_datafields (void)
void force_new_section (void)
void raise_widget (hk_reportdata *)
void lower_widget (hk_reportdata *)

Protected Attributes

bool p_already_automaticcreated_data
vector< hk_reportdata * > p_data
bool p_unique
hk_string p_lastuniquevalue
hk_string p_sectionbegin
hk_string p_sectionend
hk_string p_betweendata
hk_string p_subreportstring
bool p_print_subreport_before_data
bool p_uniqueendsection
bool p_automatic_create_datas
bool p_newpageaftersection
bool p_sectionwasprinted
section_replacefunctiontype * p_replacefunction
hk_string p_replacefunctionstring
hk_string p_default_data
hk_string p_default_beforedata
hk_string p_default_afterdata
hk_string p_default_dataconfigurefunction
int p_default_precision
bool p_default_use_thousandsseparator
unsigned int p_offset


class hk_report
class hk_reportsectionpair
class hk_reportdata

Detailed Description

represents a section of the report.

hk_reportsection represents a section in a hk_report element. Within a section you can define the outputdata,use it as headers for your data and so in If it is needed as a section header or footer use set_unique in combination with set_uniquecolumn It also can contain subreports. Usually section come as "twins", a header section and a footer section belonging to each other, see hk_reportsectionpair for details

Example: Defining a CVS output (no first row with columnnames)
 // first define a datasource
 *hk_drivermanager p_driver;
 *hk_connection* connect=p_driver.new_connection("mysql");
 *hk_database* database=connect->new_database("vokabeltrainer");
 //now start defining the report
 *hk_report e;
 long int datasrc =e.new_datasource("reportabfrage",true);//loads an existing query
 *hk_reportsection* s=e.datasection();
 *s->set_default_data("\"VALUE%\""); // define " before and after the value of a column
 *s->set_betweendata(" , "); // a comma separated list
 *s->set_sectionend("\n"); // one row per datarow
you can use the variables

PAGENUMBER%         the number of the page
ABSOLUTEPAGENUMBER% physical number of the page in file

Horst Knorr (

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

hk_reportsection::hk_reportsection hk_report  )  [protected]

virtual hk_reportsection::~hk_reportsection void   )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool hk_reportsection::actual_string void   )  [virtual]

will send the actual data to the outputstream hk_report::outputstream

void hk_reportsection::add_depending_fields const hk_string thisreport_field,
const hk_string subreport_field,
bool  registerchange = true

If you set a subreport with set_subreport add the fields which are connected between the reports

static void hk_reportsection::add_sectioncountfunctiontype const hk_string name,
reportsectioncounttype f

needed by hk_report::set_periodic. It is possible to compute as how much a section counts.

f is a userdefined function that will be called whenever counts_as is called.

static void hk_reportsection::add_sectionreplacefunctiontype const hk_string name,
section_replacefunctiontype *  f

void hk_reportsection::automatic_create_datafields void   )  [protected]

reportsectionautomaticcreatedatatype* hk_reportsection::automaticcreatedatafunction void   )  [inline]

virtual void hk_reportsection::before_datasource_enables void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_dsvisible.

hk_string hk_reportsection::betweendata void   ) 

A string that will be printed between two datasegments defined with new_data i.e. If you want a comma separated list you would need set_betweendata(" , ");

void hk_reportsection::bulk_operation hk_presentation::enum_bulkoperation  bulkoperation  ) 

void hk_reportsection::clear_countingfields void   ) 

void hk_reportsection::clear_depending_fields void   ) 

virtual unsigned long hk_reportsection::counts_as void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_visible.

hk_reportdata* hk_reportsection::data_at unsigned  int  ) 

vector<hk_reportdata*>* hk_reportsection::datalist void   ) 

hk_string hk_reportsection::default_afterreportdata void   )  [inline]

hk_string hk_reportsection::default_beforereportdata void   )  [inline]

hk_string hk_reportsection::default_reportdata void   )  [inline]

the default column value will be used as a default when a new data will be created with new_data default is @

hk_string hk_reportsection::default_reportdataconfigurefunction void   ) 

int hk_reportsection::default_reportprecision void   ) 

bool hk_reportsection::default_use_reportseparator void   ) 

list<hk_string>* hk_reportsection::depending_on_subreportfields void   ) 

list<hk_string>* hk_reportsection::depending_on_thisreportfields void   ) 

bool hk_reportsection::endsection void   ) 

true if this section is a unique section and will be printed behind the data

virtual hk_font hk_reportsection::font void   )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_visible.

void hk_reportsection::force_new_section void   )  [protected]

hk_reportdata* hk_reportsection::get_reportdatavisible const hk_string identifier  ) 

hk_reportdata* hk_reportsection::get_reportdatavisible long  nr  ) 

unsigned int hk_reportsection::horizontal2relativ unsigned int  h  ) 

100% is report width - left border - right border

bool hk_reportsection::is_fully_printed void   ) 

virtual void hk_reportsection::loaddata const hk_string definition,
bool  userdefined = false

void hk_reportsection::lower_widget hk_reportdata  )  [protected]

void hk_reportsection::neutralize_definition bool  registerchange  ) 

hk_reportdata* hk_reportsection::new_data void   ) 

the printed data. See hk_reportdata and default_data for details

bool hk_reportsection::new_page_after_section void   ) 

true if a new page will be started after printing this section. Usually this function should only be used in combination with set_unique as an endsection

bool hk_reportsection::new_uniquevalue bool  justcheck = false  ) 

justcheck if true no variables(lastvalue) will be changed
true if this section is a unique section and this section has to be printed

unsigned int hk_reportsection::offset void   ) 

virtual bool hk_reportsection::presentationmode_changed void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_dsdatavisible.

bool hk_reportsection::print_section void   ) 

bool hk_reportsection::print_subreport void   ) 

bool hk_reportsection::print_subreport_before_data void   )  [inline]

void hk_reportsection::raise_widget hk_reportdata  )  [protected]

unsigned int hk_reportsection::relativ2horizontal unsigned int  r  ) 

100% is report width - left border - right border

unsigned int hk_reportsection::relativ2vertical unsigned int  r  ) 

100% is report height - top border - bottom border

void hk_reportsection::remove_all_datas void   )  [protected]

void hk_reportsection::remove_data hk_reportdata  ) 

virtual hk_string hk_reportsection::replace const hk_string where  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_visible.

hk_report* hk_reportsection::report void   ) 

hk_reportsectionpair* hk_reportsection::reportsectionpair void   )  [inline]

virtual void hk_reportsection::reset void   )  [virtual]

void hk_reportsection::reset_count void   ) 

Will set all COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE and so on variables to 0, if they are not "running counts" (which mean global for the whole report).See hk_reportdata for details. Usually you dont't have to call this function

virtual void hk_reportsection::savedata ostream &  s,
bool  userdefined = false

bool hk_reportsection::section_was_printed void   ) 

true if this section has been printed (unique sections will not be printed for every row) else false

hk_string hk_reportsection::sectionbegin void   ) 

The sectionbegin will be printed as a header of the section (before the data)

reportsectioncounttype* hk_reportsection::sectioncountfunction void   ) 

static list<hk_string>* hk_reportsection::sectioncountfunctionlist void   )  [static]

hk_string hk_reportsection::sectioncountfunctionstring void   ) 

hk_string hk_reportsection::sectionend void   ) 

The sectionend will be printed as a footer of the section (after the data) i.e. a
at the end of a datarow

static list<hk_string>* hk_reportsection::sectionreplacefunctionlist void   )  [static]

void hk_reportsection::set_automatic_create_data bool  d = true,
bool  registerchange = true

If set true and you haven't defined any data with new_data it will automatically create the data set with default_data

void hk_reportsection::set_automaticcreatedatafunction reportsectionautomaticcreatedatatype  ) 

void hk_reportsection::set_betweendata const hk_string b,
bool  registerchange = true

virtual void hk_reportsection::set_datasource hk_datasource d  )  [virtual]

the datasource

Reimplemented from hk_dsdatavisible.

void hk_reportsection::set_default_afterreportdata const hk_string v,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_default_beforereportdata const hk_string v,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_default_reportdata const hk_string v,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_default_reportdataconfigurefunction const hk_string f,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_default_reportprecision int  ,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_default_use_reportseparator bool  ,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_new_page_after_section bool  p,
bool  registerchange = true

bool hk_reportsection::set_offset unsigned int  o,
bool  registerchange = true

The offset is additional space at the end of the section (totalsectionsize= size needed by reportdata + offset)

virtual bool hk_reportsection::set_presentationdatasource long  n,
bool  registerchange = true

Reimplemented from hk_dsvisible.

void hk_reportsection::set_print_section bool   ) 

void hk_reportsection::set_replacefunction const hk_string f,
bool  registerchange = true

You can enhance the possibilities of the section by writing your own function.This function could for example handle your own variables.

void hk_reportsection::set_sectionbegin const hk_string b,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_sectioncountfunction const hk_string f,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_sectionend const hk_string e,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_reportsection::set_subreport const hk_string subreport = "",
bool  before_data = false,
bool  registerchange = true

A complete other report can be printed within a section

subreport the subreport
before_data if true the subreport will be printed before the data of this section will be printed, else it will be printed after the data

void hk_reportsection::set_unique bool  unique = true,
bool  endsection = false,
bool  registerchange = true

If the section should be printed just once per block and not for each datarow use this function

unique true if this section should be printed once interesting four grouped data
endsection true if this section should not be printed as a header. Instead it will be printed at the end of the block. Sections created with hk_reportsectionpair are already set correctly.

virtual void hk_reportsection::sizetype_changed void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_visible.

hk_report* hk_reportsection::subreport void   ) 

hk_string hk_reportsection::subreportname void   ) 

bool hk_reportsection::unique void   ) 

unsigned int hk_reportsection::vertical2relativ unsigned int  v  ) 

100% is report height - top border - bottom border

virtual void hk_reportsection::widget_specific_after_loaddata void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual hk_reportdata* hk_reportsection::widget_specific_new_data void   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_reportsection::widget_specific_offset_changed void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class hk_report [friend]

friend class hk_reportdata [friend]

Reimplemented from hk_visible.

friend class hk_reportsectionpair [friend]

Member Data Documentation

bool hk_reportsection::p_already_automaticcreated_data [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_automatic_create_datas [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_betweendata [protected]

vector<hk_reportdata*> hk_reportsection::p_data [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_default_afterdata [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_default_beforedata [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_default_data [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_default_dataconfigurefunction [protected]

int hk_reportsection::p_default_precision [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_default_use_thousandsseparator [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_lastuniquevalue [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_newpageaftersection [protected]

unsigned int hk_reportsection::p_offset [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_print_subreport_before_data [protected]

section_replacefunctiontype* hk_reportsection::p_replacefunction [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_replacefunctionstring [protected]

hk_report* hk_reportsection::p_report [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_sectionbegin [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_sectionend [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_sectionwasprinted [protected]

hk_report* hk_reportsection::p_subreport [protected]

hk_string hk_reportsection::p_subreportstring [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_unique [protected]

bool hk_reportsection::p_uniqueendsection [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Mar 9 18:40:42 2006 for hk_classes by  doxygen 1.4.1