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hk_datasource Class Reference

represents a resultquery or a table of a database. More...

#include <hk_datasource.h>

Inheritance diagram for hk_datasource:

hk_data hk_class List of all members.

Public Types

enum  enum_tablemodes {
  mode_normal, mode_createtable, mode_altertable, mode_disabled,
  mode_insertrow, mode_deleterow, mode_unknown
enum  enum_accessmode { standard, batchread, batchwrite }
enum  enum_dependingmodes {
  depending_nohandle, depending_standard, depending_change, depending_delete,

Public Member Functions

virtual ~hk_datasource ()
virtual void set_name (const hk_string &n, bool registerchange=true)
virtual hk_string name (void)
enum_tablemodes mode (void)
void setmode_insertrow (void)
void delete_actualrow (enum_interaction c=interactive)
void setmode_normal (void)
void setmode_createtable (void)
void setmode_altertable (void)
hk_columnnew_column (void)
bool alter_column (const hk_string &col, const hk_string *name=NULL, hk_column::enum_columntype *newtype=NULL, long *size=NULL, const hk_string *defaultvalue=NULL, const bool *primary=NULL, const bool *notnull=NULL)
bool delete_column (const hk_string &col)
bool create_table_now (void)
bool alter_table_now (void)
bool create_view_now (void)
bool alter_view_now (void)
virtual bool goto_row (unsigned long r)
bool while_goto_row (void) const
bool goto_first (void)
bool goto_last (void)
bool goto_next (void)
bool goto_previous (void)
bool goto_random (void)
unsigned long row_position (void)
unsigned long max_rows (void)
bool set_accessmode (enum_accessmode)
enum_accessmode accessmode (void) const
bool enable (void)
bool while_enabling (void) const
bool disable (void)
bool while_disabling (void) const
bool set_enabled (bool e)
bool is_enabled (void) const
bool is_readonly (void) const
void set_readonly (bool r)
list< hk_column * > * columns (void)
list< hk_string > * columnnames (void)
hk_columncolumn_by_name (const hk_string &c)
hk_columncolumn_by_name (const hk_string &c, int colnumber)
int columnname_occurances (const hk_string &colname)
int columnname_occurance (hk_column *)
bool set_sql (const hk_string &s, bool rawsql=false, bool registerchange=true)
virtual bool set_query (hk_qbe *, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string sql (void) const
bool is_rawsql (void)
hk_string backendsql (void) const
list< indexclass > * indices (void)
bool index_exists (const hk_string &)
bool drop_index (const hk_string &i)
bool create_index (const hk_string &name, bool unique, list< hk_string > &fields)
bool alter_index (const hk_string &name, bool unique, list< hk_string > &fields)
enum_dependingmodes dependingmode (void)
bool set_depending_on (hk_datasource *d, bool react_on_data_changes=false, enum_dependingmodes mode=depending_standard)
hk_datasourcedepending_on (void)
bool depending_on_react_on_data_changes (void)
list< hk_string > * depending_on_thisfields (void)
list< hk_string > * depending_on_masterfields (void)
bool set_depending_on_presentationdatasource (long d, bool react_on_data_changes=false, enum_dependingmodes mode=depending_standard, bool registerchange=true)
long depending_on_presentationdatasource (void)
void add_depending_fields (const hk_string &this_ds_field, const hk_string &master_ds_field, bool registerchange=true)
void clear_depending_fields (bool registerchange=true)
bool store_changed_data (enum_interaction c=interactive)
void set_ignore_changed_data (void)
bool ignore_changed_data (void) const
void set_filter (const hk_string &f, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string filter (void)
void set_temporaryfilter (const hk_string &f)
hk_string temporaryfilter (void)
void set_use_temporaryfilter (bool use)
bool use_temporaryfilter (void)
void set_internalfilter (const hk_string &f)
hk_string internalfilter (void)
void set_use_internalfilter (bool use)
bool use_internalfilter (void)
void clear_filter (bool registerchange=true)
void set_sorting (const hk_string &s, bool registerchange=true)
hk_string sorting (void)
void set_temporarysorting (const hk_string &s)
hk_string temporarysorting (void)
void set_use_temporarysorting (bool use)
bool use_temporarysorting (void)
void clear_sorting (bool registerchange=true)
void set_automatic_data_update (bool u)
bool is_automatic_data_update (void)
void set_sqldelimiter (const hk_string &)
void set_datetimeformat (const hk_string &datetime, const hk_string &date, const hk_string &time)
hk_databasedatabase (void)
void savedata (ostream &s, bool saveall=true)
void loaddata (const hk_string &definition, bool loadsql=true)
long presentationnumber (void) const
bool datasource_used (void) const
virtual void dump_data ()
bool ask_name (void)
bool delete_rows (unsigned long from, unsigned long to, bool check_depending_datasources=true, bool ask=true)
void transaction_begin (hk_string name="")
void transaction_commit (hk_string name="")
void transaction_rollback (hk_string name="")
void set_blockvisiblesignals (bool v)
bool blockvisiblesignals (void)
void set_blockserversignals (bool)
bool blockserversignals (void)
void set_blockdatasourcesignals (bool)
bool blockdatasourcesignals (void)
void save_datasourcedefinition (ostream &s)
bool load_datasourcedefinition (const hk_string &definition, bool use_xmltablename=true, bool ask=true)
hk_presentationpresentation (void)
void set_position (int x, int y, bool registerchange=true)
void set_size (int width, int height, bool registerchange=true)
int x (void) const
int y (void) const
int width (void) const
int height (void) const
void set_designsize (int w, int h, bool registerchange=true)
int designwidth () const
int designheight () const
void automatic_position_datasource (void)
list< hk_datasource * > * dependinglist (void)
bool previous_enable_problems (void) const
list< referentialclass > * referenceslist (void)
bool add_reference (const referentialclass &)
bool drop_reference (const hk_string &)
hk_string fieldorigin (const hk_string &)
hk_string totalfieldorigin (const hk_string &)
void reset_changed_data (void)
bool has_changed (void) const
hk_string systemcolumnname (const hk_string &n)
bool depending_on_datasource_deleterow_ok (void)
bool depending_on_datasource_before_delete_row (void)
bool depending_on_datasource_updaterow_ok (void)
bool check_store_changed_data ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void set_enablefunction (voidfunction *, long counter)

Protected Member Functions

 hk_datasource (hk_database *db, hk_presentation *p=NULL)
void column_remove (hk_column *col)
void visible_add (hk_dsvisible *v)
void visible_remove (hk_dsvisible *v)
virtual void driver_specific_transaction_begin (hk_string)
virtual void driver_specific_transaction_commit (hk_string)
virtual void driver_specific_transaction_rollback (hk_string)
virtual unsigned long driver_specific_max_rows (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_set_accessmode (enum_accessmode)
virtual bool driver_specific_batch_enable (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_batch_disable (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_batch_goto_next (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_batch_goto_previous (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_enable (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_disable (void)
virtual list< hk_column * > * driver_specific_columns (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_goto_row (unsigned long r)
virtual hk_columndriver_specific_new_column (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_update_data (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_delete_data_at (unsigned long)
virtual bool driver_specific_insert_data (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_create_table_now (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_alter_table_now (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_create_view_now (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_alter_view_now (void)
virtual void driver_specific_before_drop_table (void)
virtual void filelist_changes (listtype t)
virtual list< indexclass > * driver_specific_indices (void)
virtual bool driver_specific_drop_index (const hk_string &i)
virtual bool driver_specific_create_index (const hk_string &name, bool unique, list< hk_string > &fields)
virtual void before_connection_disconnects (void)
virtual void before_source_vanishes (void)
virtual void driver_specific_after_copy_table ()
virtual bool driver_specific_load_view ()
virtual void driver_specific_create_viewsql ()
virtual bool driver_specific_add_reference (const referentialclass &)
virtual bool driver_specific_drop_reference (const hk_string &)
virtual void driver_specific_referenceslist (void)
void depending_ds_add (hk_datasource *d)
void depending_ds_remove (hk_datasource *d)
void depending_on_datasource_row_change (bool take_changed_data=false)
void depending_on_datasource_data_has_changed (void)
void depending_on_datasource_after_store_changed_data (void)
void depending_on_datasource_insertmode (void)
void depending_on_datasource_before_update_row (void)
void depending_on_datasource_after_update_row (void)
void reload_data (bool take_changed_data=false)
void create_actual_row_where_statement (void)
hk_string create_row_where_statement_at (unsigned long int position, bool withwhere=true)
void create_new_sql_statement (bool take_changed_data=false)
hk_string whole_datasource_where_statement (bool take_changed_data=false)
void print_sql (void)
void clear_columnlist (void)
void clear_modecolumnlists (void)
void clear_visiblelist (void)
void parse_sql (void)
virtual bool update_row (enum_interaction c=interactive)
virtual bool insert_row (enum_interaction c=interactive)
virtual bool delete_row (enum_interaction c=interactive)
void parse_fieldpart (void)
void parse_tablepart (void)
void set_has_changed (void)
void set_has_not_changed (void)
hk_string delimit_identifier (const hk_string &)
void inform_before_row_change (void)
void inform_visible_objects_batch_goto_next (void)
void inform_visible_objects_batch_goto_previous (void)
void inform_visible_objects_before_store_changed_data (void)
void inform_visible_objects_after_store_changed_data (void)
void inform_visible_objects_row_change (void)
void inform_visible_objects_row_add (void)
void inform_visible_objects_row_delete (void)
void inform_visible_objects_before_insert_row (void)
void inform_before_enable (void)
void inform_before_disable (void)
void inform_visible_objects_ds_disable (void)
void inform_visible_objects_ds_enable (void)
void inform_depending_ds_goto_row (void)
void inform_depending_ds_store_data (void)
void inform_depending_ds_data_has_changed (void)
void inform_depending_ds_after_store_changed_data (void)
void inform_depending_ds_before_update_row (void)
void inform_depending_ds_after_update_row (void)
void inform_depending_ds_disable (void)
void inform_depending_ds_enable (void)
void inform_depending_ds_insertmode (void)
void inform_visible_objects_new_columns_created (void)
void inform_visible_objects_before_columns_deleted (void)
void inform_visible_objects_insertmode (void)
void inform_when_table_structure_changes (void)
void inform_when_indexlist_changes (void)
void execute_visible_object_script_before_update (void)
void execute_visible_object_script_after_update (void)
void execute_visible_object_before_row_change (void)
void execute_visible_object_after_row_change (void)
void execute_visible_object_before_delete (void)
void execute_visible_object_after_delete (void)
void execute_visible_object_before_insert (void)
void execute_visible_object_after_insert (void)
hk_string new_referencename (const referentialclass &)
bool is_newreferencename (const hk_string &)

Protected Attributes

bool p_casesensitive
bool p_enabled
bool p_readonly
bool p_primary_key_used
bool p_ignore_changed_data
unsigned long p_counter
list< hk_column * > * p_columns
list< class_altercolumnsp_altercolumns
list< hk_stringp_deletecolumns
list< hk_column * > p_newcolumns
list< hk_stringdepending_this_fields
list< hk_stringdepending_master_fields
hk_string p_sql
hk_string p_viewsql
hk_string p_actual_row_where
bool p_automatic_data_update
hk_string p_datetimeformat
hk_string p_dateformat
hk_string p_timeformat
hk_string p_sql_delimiter
hk_string p_true
hk_string p_false
bool p_tablesql_set
list< hk_datasource * > p_dependinglist
enum_tablemodes p_mode
list< referentialclassp_references

Static Protected Attributes

static voidfunctionp_enablefunction
static long p_enablefunctioncounter


class hk_column
class hk_dsvisible
class hk_database
class hk_presentation


class  class_altercolumns
class  fieldoriginclass
class  indexclass
class  struct_parsed_sql

Detailed Description

represents a resultquery or a table of a database.

Horst Knorr (
hk_datasource is the basic class which represents a resultquery or a table of a database. Never create this table directly. Use the hk_database::new_table method instead.

Two types of this class can be distinguished. Tables and Resultqueries.

Resultqueries are Queries with a SELECT - SQL-statement. The resulting data cannot be edited or manipulated.

Tables are a special form of resultqueries. The SQL-statement is fixed ("SELECT * FROM <tablename>), but the resulting dataset can be edited.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum hk_datasource::enum_accessmode

the accessmode regulates the behaviour of the datasource. In mode 'standard' the datasource is readable and writeable, but usually first loads all the data from the SQL server. This is in some cases not necessary. If you just need to serially read one row after another, you can use the 'batchread' mode. In this case random access is not possible and it is not possible to edit the data or insert rows (e.g. this is used in hk_report). In 'batchwrite' mode data can't be read and is only used for inserting data (e.g. used hk_importcsv) The batchmodes do not need as much memory as the standard mode.

Enumeration values:

enum hk_datasource::enum_dependingmodes

See dependingmode for details

Enumeration values:

enum hk_datasource::enum_tablemodes

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual hk_datasource::~hk_datasource  )  [virtual]

hk_datasource::hk_datasource hk_database db,
hk_presentation p = NULL

Member Function Documentation

enum_accessmode hk_datasource::accessmode void   )  const

void hk_datasource::add_depending_fields const hk_string this_ds_field,
const hk_string master_ds_field,
bool  registerchange = true

use this method in connection with depending_on.

this_ds_field fieldname of a column of this datasource which has to be connected to the master datasource.
master_ds_field columnname of the masterdatasource which value has to be equal with the value of this_ds_field.
registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed.

bool hk_datasource::add_reference const referentialclass  ) 

will try to add a new reference to a table

bool hk_datasource::alter_column const hk_string col,
const hk_string name = NULL,
hk_column::enum_columntype newtype = NULL,
long *  size = NULL,
const hk_string defaultvalue = NULL,
const bool *  primary = NULL,
const bool *  notnull = NULL

if this datasource is of type "table" and in mode "alter" you can alter an existing column. NULL values mean, that this part will not be changed

bool hk_datasource::alter_index const hk_string name,
bool  unique,
list< hk_string > &  fields

Alters an existing index by first dropping it with drop_index and then by trying to recreate it with create_index

bool hk_datasource::alter_table_now void   ) 

After altering an existing table with setmode_altertable, new_column ,alter_column and delete_column this function alters physically the table

bool hk_datasource::alter_view_now void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::ask_name void   ) 

asks interactively for a name

void hk_datasource::automatic_position_datasource void   ) 

hk_string hk_datasource::backendsql void   )  const

returns the SQL statement as it is sent to the SQL server

virtual void hk_datasource::before_connection_disconnects void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_data.

virtual void hk_datasource::before_source_vanishes void   )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_data.

bool hk_datasource::blockdatasourcesignals void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::blockserversignals void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::blockvisiblesignals void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::check_store_changed_data  ) 

void hk_datasource::clear_columnlist void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::clear_depending_fields bool  registerchange = true  ) 

clears the depending list.

void hk_datasource::clear_filter bool  registerchange = true  ) 

clears the filter which was set with set_filter

registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed.

void hk_datasource::clear_modecolumnlists void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::clear_sorting bool  registerchange = true  ) 

clears the sorting instruction

registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed.

void hk_datasource::clear_visiblelist void   )  [protected]

hk_column* hk_datasource::column_by_name const hk_string c,
int  colnumber

if the datasource is enabled, you can reach a particular column by name.

colnumber If there are more than 1 columns with the same name this parameter tells which one to take (1 is the first column)
hk_column if there is a column with this name else NULL.

hk_column* hk_datasource::column_by_name const hk_string c  ) 

if the datasource is enabled, you can reach a particular column by name

hk_column if there is a column with this name else NULL.

void hk_datasource::column_remove hk_column col  )  [protected]

int hk_datasource::columnname_occurance hk_column  ) 

returns if this is the first, second ... nth column with this name

int hk_datasource::columnname_occurances const hk_string colname  ) 

returns how many columns exist in this datasource with the name 'colname'. Usually columnnames should be unique, but it is unfortunately technically possible to create SQL statements that return ambigous columnnames

list<hk_string>* hk_datasource::columnnames void   ) 

list<hk_column*>* hk_datasource::columns void   ) 

if the datasource is enabled you get a list of all columns. The fields can be reached by columns. See hk_column for details. returns NULL if no columns are defined yet (e.g. non-enabled queries)

void hk_datasource::create_actual_row_where_statement void   )  [protected]

bool hk_datasource::create_index const hk_string name,
bool  unique,
list< hk_string > &  fields

creates an index of a table. returns true if successful otherwise false; make sure you have set the tablename first.

name new name of the index
unique true if this should be a unique index
fields the field(column) names used by this index
true if successful otherwise false;

void hk_datasource::create_new_sql_statement bool  take_changed_data = false  )  [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::create_row_where_statement_at unsigned long int  position,
bool  withwhere = true

bool hk_datasource::create_table_now void   ) 

After defining a new table with setmode_createtable and new_column this function creates physically the table

bool hk_datasource::create_view_now void   ) 

hk_database* hk_datasource::database void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::datasource_used void   )  const

true if a hk_visible object or a depending datasource is using this datasource else false

void hk_datasource::delete_actualrow enum_interaction  c = interactive  ) 

this function tries to delete the actual row. If there is a depending datasource with equivalent rows the actual row will not be deleted.

bool hk_datasource::delete_column const hk_string col  ) 

if this datasource is of type "table" and in mode "alter" you can delete an existing column.Just enter the name here.

virtual bool hk_datasource::delete_row enum_interaction  c = interactive  )  [protected, virtual]

bool hk_datasource::delete_rows unsigned long  from,
unsigned long  to,
bool  check_depending_datasources = true,
bool  ask = true

Delete rows beginning from row number "from" to row number "to"

hk_string hk_datasource::delimit_identifier const hk_string  )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::depending_ds_add hk_datasource d  )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::depending_ds_remove hk_datasource d  )  [protected]

hk_datasource* hk_datasource::depending_on void   ) 

void hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_after_store_changed_data void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_after_update_row void   )  [protected]

bool hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_before_delete_row void   ) 

void hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_before_update_row void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_data_has_changed void   )  [protected]

bool hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_deleterow_ok void   ) 

void hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_insertmode void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_row_change bool  take_changed_data = false  )  [protected]

bool hk_datasource::depending_on_datasource_updaterow_ok void   ) 

list<hk_string>* hk_datasource::depending_on_masterfields void   ) 

a list of the depending on columns of the master datasource set with add_depending_fields

long hk_datasource::depending_on_presentationdatasource void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::depending_on_react_on_data_changes void   ) 

See dependingmode for details

list<hk_string>* hk_datasource::depending_on_thisfields void   ) 

a list of the depending on columns of this datasource set with add_depending_fields

list<hk_datasource*>* hk_datasource::dependinglist void   ) 

enum_dependingmodes hk_datasource::dependingmode void   ) 

   depending_nohandle     = ignore that this is a depending datasource
   depending_standard     = can't delete a master row when there are
                            depending rows in the depending datasource
                            and can't change the value of a master connection field.
   depending_change       = if a master connection field is changed, the
                            equivalent depending fields will change their values too.
   depending_delete       = if the master row is deleted the depending rows will also be deleted
   depending_changedelete = combination of depending_change and depending_delete
See also set_depending_on for details

int hk_datasource::designheight  )  const

int hk_datasource::designwidth  )  const

bool hk_datasource::disable void   ) 

if the datasource is enabled, this function will disable it. The columnlist will be deleted.

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_add_reference const referentialclass  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_after_copy_table  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

will be called from hk_database

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_alter_table_now void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_alter_view_now void   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_batch_disable void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_batch_enable void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_batch_goto_next void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_batch_goto_previous void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_before_drop_table void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual list<hk_column*>* hk_datasource::driver_specific_columns void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

returns a list of the columns of the datasource. If the datasource is a table the list hast to be created even if the datasource is disabled. Fill the p_columns list for this reason and then return it. If necessary has to create one hk_column object per column and to add them to p_columns. Each column object has to get a unique number in its (protected) hk_column::p_fieldnr .

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_create_index const hk_string name,
bool  unique,
list< hk_string > &  fields
[protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_create_table_now void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_create_view_now void   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_create_viewsql  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_delete_data_at unsigned  long  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_disable void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_drop_index const hk_string i  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_drop_reference const hk_string  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_enable void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

has to make sure that the columns-list has been created. It also has to provide access to the data of the datasource

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_goto_row unsigned long  r  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual list<indexclass>* hk_datasource::driver_specific_indices void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_insert_data void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_load_view  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual unsigned long hk_datasource::driver_specific_max_rows void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual hk_column* hk_datasource::driver_specific_new_column void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_referenceslist void   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_set_accessmode enum_accessmode   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_transaction_begin hk_string   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_transaction_commit hk_string   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void hk_datasource::driver_specific_transaction_rollback hk_string   )  [protected, virtual]

virtual bool hk_datasource::driver_specific_update_data void   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

bool hk_datasource::drop_index const hk_string i  ) 

deletes an index of a table. returns true if successful otherwise false;

i name of the index

bool hk_datasource::drop_reference const hk_string  ) 

virtual void hk_datasource::dump_data  )  [virtual]

bool hk_datasource::enable void   ) 

if hk_connection is connected, this method will enable the datasource. The SQL-Statement in SQL will be executed. If the SQL-statement is ok, the resulting data can be reached via the columns in columns. You can browse the data by using the methods goto_row, goto_first, goto_last, goto_next and goto_previous.

true if enable was successful.

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_after_delete void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_after_insert void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_after_row_change void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_before_delete void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_before_insert void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_before_row_change void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_script_after_update void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::execute_visible_object_script_before_update void   )  [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::fieldorigin const hk_string  ) 

virtual void hk_datasource::filelist_changes listtype  t  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from hk_data.

hk_string hk_datasource::filter void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::goto_first void   ) 

move the row selector to the first row. All depending objects will be informed (visible objects, depending datasources etc)

true if success, else false.

bool hk_datasource::goto_last void   ) 

move the row selector to the last row. All depending objects will be informed (visible objects, depending datasources etc)

true if success, else false.

bool hk_datasource::goto_next void   ) 

move the row selector to the next row. All depending objects will be informed (visible objects, depending datasources etc)

true if success, else false.

bool hk_datasource::goto_previous void   ) 

move the row selector to the previous row. All depending objects will be informed (visible objects, depending datasources etc)

true if success, else false.

bool hk_datasource::goto_random void   ) 

moves the rowselector to a random row.

virtual bool hk_datasource::goto_row unsigned long  r  )  [virtual]

Goto a specific row. The first row number is 0, the last n-1 where n is the number of rows as delivered from max_rows().All depending objects will be informed (visible objects, depending datasources etc)

r is the wished new row number to go.
true if success, else false.

bool hk_datasource::has_changed void   )  const

int hk_datasource::height void   )  const

bool hk_datasource::ignore_changed_data void   )  const

bool hk_datasource::index_exists const hk_string  ) 

list<indexclass>* hk_datasource::indices void   ) 

returns the list of all existing indices of a table or NULL in case of an error (i.e. not a table)

void hk_datasource::inform_before_disable void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_before_enable void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_before_row_change void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_after_store_changed_data void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_after_update_row void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_before_update_row void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_data_has_changed void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_disable void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_enable void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_goto_row void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_insertmode void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_depending_ds_store_data void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_after_store_changed_data void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_batch_goto_next void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_batch_goto_previous void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_before_columns_deleted void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_before_insert_row void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_before_store_changed_data void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_ds_disable void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_ds_enable void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_insertmode void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_new_columns_created void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_row_add void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_row_change void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_visible_objects_row_delete void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_when_indexlist_changes void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::inform_when_table_structure_changes void   )  [protected]

virtual bool hk_datasource::insert_row enum_interaction  c = interactive  )  [protected, virtual]

hk_string hk_datasource::internalfilter void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::is_automatic_data_update void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::is_enabled void   )  const

shows whether the datasource is enabled.

bool hk_datasource::is_newreferencename const hk_string  )  [protected]

bool hk_datasource::is_rawsql void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::is_readonly void   )  const

true if data in this datasource can be changed. Always false if this datasource is a dml_query.

bool hk_datasource::load_datasourcedefinition const hk_string definition,
bool  use_xmltablename = true,
bool  ask = true

loads the structure of the datasource (fields,indices) in an xml format file and creates the tableand is database driver independent

void hk_datasource::loaddata const hk_string definition,
bool  loadsql = true

loads the object's values out of the definition string.

unsigned long hk_datasource::max_rows void   ) 

number of rows in this query.

enum_tablemodes hk_datasource::mode void   ) 

if this datasource is a table, it can be in different "modes". For example if you want to create a new table and define the different columns, the table has to be in "mode_create" See enum_tablemodes for the different modetypes.

virtual hk_string hk_datasource::name void   )  [virtual]

hk_column* hk_datasource::new_column void   ) 

if this datasource is of type "table" and in mode "create" or "alter" you can create a new column to define its parameters.

hk_string hk_datasource::new_referencename const referentialclass  )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::parse_fieldpart void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::parse_sql void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::parse_tablepart void   )  [protected]

hk_presentation* hk_datasource::presentation void   ) 

long hk_datasource::presentationnumber void   )  const [inline]

if the datasource is part of a hk_presentation each datasource gets a unique datasource number as an identifier

the unique datasource number if part of a presenation else -1

bool hk_datasource::previous_enable_problems void   )  const

returns true, if this datasource could not be enabled last time when tried

void hk_datasource::print_sql void   )  [protected]

list<referentialclass>* hk_datasource::referenceslist void   ) 

void hk_datasource::reload_data bool  take_changed_data = false  )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::reset_changed_data void   ) 

unsigned long hk_datasource::row_position void   ) 

number of the current row.

void hk_datasource::save_datasourcedefinition ostream &  s  ) 

stores the structure of the datasource (fields,indices) in an xml format file and is database driver independent

void hk_datasource::savedata ostream &  s,
bool  saveall = true

stores the object's values to stream s. The following tags will be used

<TYPE> either QUERY or TABLE

<DATASOURCENAME> the name set with set_name

<SQL> the used sql statement

Additionally the section <DATASOURCEEXTRA> has the following tags

<FILTER> the filter set with set_filter

<SORTING> the sorting direction set with set_sorting




if this datasource is part of a hk_presentation also the following tags will be stored

<UPN> the unique presentation number. See presentationnumber

<DEPENDING_ON> the depending on datasource set with set_depending_on_presentationdatasource

one or more <DEPENDINGFIELDS> sections with the following tags

<THISFIELD> set with add_depending_fields

<MASTERFIELD> set with add_depending_fields

s the stream to which the data will be written
saveall if true the section <DATASOURCEEXTRA> will be stored additionally to the normal data

bool hk_datasource::set_accessmode enum_accessmode   ) 

void hk_datasource::set_automatic_data_update bool  u  ) 

when data has changed and the row selector is moved to another row, usually the datasource will be automatically updated. If the value is set to false, you have to update the data manually by calling store_changed_data.

u If you don't want the automatic update of data changes, set this paramter to false. The default value is true.

void hk_datasource::set_blockdatasourcesignals bool   ) 

if true no depending datasources will be informed when data changes in any kind Default is false

void hk_datasource::set_blockserversignals bool   ) 

if true no data will be sent to the database server when data changes in any kind Default is false

void hk_datasource::set_blockvisiblesignals bool  v  ) 

if true no visual objects will be informed when data changes in any kind, except the datasource will be deleted Default is false

void hk_datasource::set_datetimeformat const hk_string datetime,
const hk_string date,
const hk_string time

sets the default date and timeformats for new created columns

bool hk_datasource::set_depending_on hk_datasource d,
bool  react_on_data_changes = false,
enum_dependingmodes  mode = depending_standard

if there are 2 datasources in a 1:n relation it is possible to connect the 2 datasources. Add the master datasource here ( it's the '1'-datasource in the '1:n'-relation). Except of the master datasource you also have to add the connected fields with add_depending_fields This (the depending) datasource will enable/disable automatically when the master datasource will enable/disable. if this datasource is part of a hk_presentation use set_depending_on_presentationdatasource instead

d is the master datasource
react_on_data_changes true if the datasource should react when a value of the masterdatasource is changed but not yet stored
mode how to react when the masterdatasource changes its data. See enum_dependingmodes for details.

bool hk_datasource::set_depending_on_presentationdatasource long  d,
bool  react_on_data_changes = false,
enum_dependingmodes  mode = depending_standard,
bool  registerchange = true

if this datasource is part of a hk_presentation object (form or report) then set the depending on datasource with this function. You can get the unique datasource number of a datasource with presentationnumber

d the presentationnumber of the master datasource
registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed.

void hk_datasource::set_designsize int  w,
int  h,
bool  registerchange = true

bool hk_datasource::set_enabled bool  e  ) 

convenience function: if e is true the datasource will be enabled by calling enable else it will disable the datasource by calling disable.

static void hk_datasource::set_enablefunction voidfunction ,
long  counter

void hk_datasource::set_filter const hk_string f,
bool  registerchange = true

it is possible to filter only specific rows from a datasource by setting this filter. just add the conditions with this function.

f same syntax as a SQL statement in the 'WHERE' section, but without the word 'WHERE'
registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed. Example: SELECT * from addresses WHERE city="Mnchen", so you would call set_filter("city=\"Mnchen\"");

void hk_datasource::set_has_changed void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::set_has_not_changed void   )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::set_ignore_changed_data void   ) 

void hk_datasource::set_internalfilter const hk_string f  ) 

virtual void hk_datasource::set_name const hk_string n,
bool  registerchange = true

sets the name of the datasource

n the name
registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed.

void hk_datasource::set_position int  x,
int  y,
bool  registerchange = true

the position will be used for the database designer GUI. Mostly you don't have to manipulate the values

virtual bool hk_datasource::set_query hk_qbe *  ,
bool  registerchange = true

void hk_datasource::set_readonly bool  r  ) 

If the datasource is of type ds_table you can allow or disallow data changes.

void hk_datasource::set_size int  width,
int  height,
bool  registerchange = true

the size will be used for the database designer GUI. Mostly you don't have to manipulate the values

void hk_datasource::set_sorting const hk_string s,
bool  registerchange = true

it is possible to sort the datasource. just add the conditions with this function.

f same syntax as a SQL statement in the "ORDER BY" section, but without the word "ORDER BY"
registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed. Example: SELECT * from addresses ORDER BY city DESC , so you would call set_sorting("city DESC");

bool hk_datasource::set_sql const hk_string s,
bool  rawsql = false,
bool  registerchange = true

set your own SQL statement, that will be executed when you enable the datasource. if this datasource is of type "table" it will be automatically created.

s is the sql statement
rawsql if true the sql statement will used as is (otherwise it may be changed )
registerchange if this class is part of a hk_presentation object (i.e. a form or a report) and registerchange is true, then the changes will be stored when the hk_presentation object is closed. sorting, filtering or depending on statements). So it is possible to execute driver specific result queries which do not contain the "SELECT" statement, i.e. SHOW FIELDS in Mysql.

void hk_datasource::set_sqldelimiter const hk_string  ) 

void hk_datasource::set_temporaryfilter const hk_string f  ) 

temporary filters just work like filters (see set_filter ), but have to be manually activated with set_use_temporaryfilter. When loaded with loaddata temporaryfilters are deactivated by default.

void hk_datasource::set_temporarysorting const hk_string s  ) 

void hk_datasource::set_use_internalfilter bool  use  ) 

void hk_datasource::set_use_temporaryfilter bool  use  ) 

void hk_datasource::set_use_temporarysorting bool  use  ) 

void hk_datasource::setmode_altertable void   ) 

If you want to alter an existing table first bring the table in altermode. Define new columns with new_column. Alter it with alter_column and delete a column by calling alter_column. Afterwards you can alter the table by calling alter_table_now

void hk_datasource::setmode_createtable void   ) 

If you want to create a new table first bring the table in createmode. Define new columns with new_column. Afterwards you can create the table by calling create_table_now

void hk_datasource::setmode_insertrow void   ) 

brings the datasource in insertmode. To add a new row call this function, set the data of the new row as usual in the columns (i.e.with hk_column::as_string ) and finally call either setmode_normal or store_changed_data.

void hk_datasource::setmode_normal void   ) 

This is the usual mode, where you can browse the data and if the data is not readonly change the data.

hk_string hk_datasource::sorting void   ) 

hk_string hk_datasource::sql void   )  const

bool hk_datasource::store_changed_data enum_interaction  c = interactive  ) 

if the data of the actual row has changed you can manually send the changes to the SQL Server by calling this function. The function will be called automatically before the datasource disables or the row selector will be moved to another row.

hk_string hk_datasource::systemcolumnname const hk_string n  ) 

returns a transformed column name in case the driver does only support e.g. ASCII characters

hk_string hk_datasource::temporaryfilter void   ) 

hk_string hk_datasource::temporarysorting void   ) 

hk_string hk_datasource::totalfieldorigin const hk_string  ) 

void hk_datasource::transaction_begin hk_string  name = ""  ) 

Start a transaction. If the SQL server does not support transaction this function does nothing

name the name of the transaction

void hk_datasource::transaction_commit hk_string  name = ""  ) 

Commits a transaction. If the SQL server does not support transaction this function does nothing

name the name of the transaction

void hk_datasource::transaction_rollback hk_string  name = ""  ) 

Undo a transaction. If the SQL server does not support transaction this function does nothing

name the name of the transaction

virtual bool hk_datasource::update_row enum_interaction  c = interactive  )  [protected, virtual]

bool hk_datasource::use_internalfilter void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::use_temporaryfilter void   ) 

bool hk_datasource::use_temporarysorting void   ) 

void hk_datasource::visible_add hk_dsvisible v  )  [protected]

void hk_datasource::visible_remove hk_dsvisible v  )  [protected]

bool hk_datasource::while_disabling void   )  const

bool hk_datasource::while_enabling void   )  const

bool hk_datasource::while_goto_row void   )  const

hk_string hk_datasource::whole_datasource_where_statement bool  take_changed_data = false  )  [protected]

int hk_datasource::width void   )  const

int hk_datasource::x void   )  const

int hk_datasource::y void   )  const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class hk_column [friend]

friend class hk_database [friend]

Reimplemented from hk_data.

friend class hk_dsvisible [friend]

friend class hk_presentation [friend]

Member Data Documentation

list<hk_string> hk_datasource::depending_master_fields [protected]

list<hk_string> hk_datasource::depending_this_fields [protected]

hk_actionquery* hk_datasource::p_actionquery [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_actual_row_where [protected]

list<class_altercolumns> hk_datasource::p_altercolumns [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_automatic_data_update [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_casesensitive [protected]

if database driver supports cassensitive column and table names p_casesensitive is true else p_casesensitive is false. Then internally column_by_name() and name() return values in small letters

list<hk_column*>* hk_datasource::p_columns [protected]

unsigned long hk_datasource::p_counter [protected]

hk_database* hk_datasource::p_database [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_dateformat [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_datetimeformat [protected]

list<hk_string> hk_datasource::p_deletecolumns [protected]

list<hk_datasource*> hk_datasource::p_dependinglist [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_enabled [protected]

voidfunction* hk_datasource::p_enablefunction [static, protected]

long hk_datasource::p_enablefunctioncounter [static, protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_false [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_ignore_changed_data [protected]

enum_tablemodes hk_datasource::p_mode [protected]

list<hk_column*> hk_datasource::p_newcolumns [protected]

struct_parsed_sql* hk_datasource::p_parsed_sql [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_primary_key_used [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_readonly [protected]

list<referentialclass> hk_datasource::p_references [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_sql [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_sql_delimiter [protected]

bool hk_datasource::p_tablesql_set [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_timeformat [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_true [protected]

hk_string hk_datasource::p_viewsql [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Mar 9 18:40:41 2006 for hk_classes by  doxygen 1.4.1