Chapter 2. Starting KNODA

The binary (program) is called 'knoda' and will be installed in your KDE-BINDIR directory. When you launch KNODA you will be presented with the dialog shown on Figure 2.1, “The knoda window”. The "Connect" button connects you to the selected SQL-database driver (either MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or ODBC).


To use the ODBC driver you first have to setup an ODBC datasource. See for details.

Figure 2.1. The knoda window

The knoda window

If you always use the same database driver you can either preselect it in the options menu (see ???) or preselect it with the command line option -d.

A simple

horst@notebook:~ > knoda -d mysql

will connect KNODA to the MySQL driver and bypass the above dialog.

Once connected to the driver, the password dialog will appear. Here you have to enter your username, password and the host where your SQL-database server is running.

Figure 2.2. The password dialog

The password dialog