Version 0.1.4
Thanks to Salvatore Enrico Indiogine for proof-reading the documentation.
This is a short, quick and dirty tutorial to help you to write programs with hk_kdeclasses. For further information see the programmer's API documentation. This manual describe hk_kdeclasses version 0.5.3. To compile the source code of example.cpp use
c++ -o example example.cpp -ldl -lhk_classes -L/usr/lib/hk_classes/ \ -I /usr/include/hk_classes -L /opt/kde3/lib -lkdecore -lkdeui -lhk_kdeclasses \ -L/usr/lib/qt3/lib -lqt -I /opt/kde3/include -I /usr/lib/qt3/include
All examples refer to the example database "literature" described in the knoda tutorial. First you should first create this database (it is best to use knoda for this).
Please read the hk_classes tutorial first, because we take these examples and use it for KDE. You should also have some experience in programming with KDE.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Examples