Put the following code into the on_click action of a button:
Example 5.11. Setting the taborder
hk_this.datasource().setmode_insertrow() hk_thisform.goto_taborder_first()
When you push the button the datasource will allow you to insert a new row and move the focus from the button to the first field. Other possible functions are:
- set_focus(widget)
will set the focus to 'widget'
Example 5.12. Setting the taborder for a specific field
- set_taborder( taborder[,registerchange [, forcesetting]])
sets the tab order (the focus order) of the widgets. 'taborder' is a list of the presentation numbers of the widgets, which should get the focus
- goto_taborder_next()
will move the the focus to the next widget (see ??? )
- goto_taborder_previous()
will move the the focus to the previous widget (see ??? )
- goto_taborder_first()
will move the the focus to the first widget (see ??? )
- goto_taborder_last()
will move the the focus to the last widget (see ??? )