The hk_classes programmer's tutorial

Horst Knorr

Version 0.1.2


This is a short, quick and dirty tutorial to make it easier to write programs with hk_classes. For further information see the programmer's class documentation. To compile the sourcecode of example.cpp use

c++ -o example example.cpp  -ldl -lhk_classes -L/usr/local/hk_classes/ -I /usr/local/hk_classes/include/

All examples refer to the literature example database descriped in the knodatutorial.You should first create the database (best use knoda for this).

Table of Contents

1. Get in contact with your SQL Server
2. Get in contact with a table
3. Preselect the driver and user information
4. Show data of a column
5. Alter data of a column
6. Add a row
7. Delete a row
8. Searching a column
9. Use a query

List of Examples

1.1. Get in contact with your SQL Server
2.1. Get in contact with a table
3.1. Preselect the driver and user information
4.1. Show data of a column
5.1. Alter data of a column
6.1. Add a row
7.1. Delete a row
8.1. Searching a column
9.1. Use a query