The KNODA user's tutorial



This tutorial is based on KNODA version 0.8. KNODA is a Graphical User Interface program for access to databases in the KDE environment. In this tutorial we will create a database that will consist of two tables.

Pre-requisites: It is assumed that you will have basic understanding of a "relational database" before starting this tutorial. "MySQL" and "Microsoft Access" are examples of relational database systems. Practical experience of SQL is also an advantage.

Table of Contents

1. The example database "exampledb"
The "authors" table
The "literature" table
2. Starting KNODA
3. The main window - creating a new database
4. Tables - creating a new table
5. Queries
Query by example
SQL statements
6. Forms
The toolbar
The property editor
Defining grid columns
Defining comboboxes
A simple combobox
A complex combobox
Defining images
Setting default values
Setting the tab order of fields
7. Reports
A simple report
The report field
User defined report sections - a more complex report
Show reports depending on form values
8. What's next - Scripting KNODA
9. Miscellaneous
Import a CSV file
Export a table or query to a CSV file
Export a table or query to a XML file
Using the filter
Comboboxes in grids
Colours in forms and reports

List of Figures

2.1. The knoda window
2.2. The password dialog
3.1. The main window
4.1. The tabledesign window
4.2. The tabledata window
4.3. The "literature" table
5.1. Query by example window
5.2. Toggle button to switch between QBE and SQL window
6.1. The formdesign window
6.2. The formdesign window
6.3. The form datasource dialog(1)
6.4. The property editor
6.5. The form datasource dialog(2)
6.6. The defined form
6.7. The column selection dialog
6.8. The form with changed gridcolumns
6.9. The form "reviewform1"
6.10. A simple combobox
6.11. The form datasource dialog(3)
6.12. A complex combobox
6.13. The form datasource dialog(4)
6.14. The form "reviewform2"
6.15. The depending modes
6.16. Starting the taborder
6.17. The tab order window"
7.1. The reportdesign window
7.2. A simple report
7.3. the reportsection dialog
7.4. A complex report
7.5. The subreport window
7.6. The form property showing the button values
7.7. The reportcondition dialog
9.1. The CSV import dialog
9.2. The CSV export dialog
9.3. The XML export dialog
9.4. The filter toolbuttons
9.5. The filter definition dialog
9.6. The column selection dialog
9.7. The column selection dialog

List of Tables

1.1. structure of the "authors" table
1.2. the data in the "authors" table
1.3. structure of the "literature" table
1.4. the data in the "literature" table
6.1. table structure of the table "review"

List of Examples

5.1. Using query delimiters