

knoda is using all hk_kdeclasses widgets and also
the default KDE style main database window of knoda. And here is
the main database window in classic mode. Last, not least
the main database window in classic MDI mode.


the table window with which you can see and modify your data.
the table design window with which you can define and modify the table structure.
the query window which shows you the result of your query. Looks like the table window.
the query design window with which you can create queries without the need to use SQL.
the query SQL design window with which you can define and modify sql queries.
the form window with which you can see and modify data.
the form design window with which you can define and modify forms.
the report preview window with which you can see and print reports.
the report design window with which you can define and modify reports.
the scripting window Extending knoda with Python.
the table relation edior where you can edit the table relations.


hk_classes is gui independent. If no gui (graphical user interface) is specified it will write to the standard output and read from the standard input (usually the command line). So I decided not to put boring command line screenshots on this website.